

Excel is really hard!  Did you know that?  I know that, because I am currently looking at a worksheet and going "But there MUST be a way to do that!".

Often there is.  There really is.  I Google the sort of thing I want to do and helpful people in the Internets tell me what to do.  But right now I think I’m asking for the moon on a stick (wait, is moon capitalised?  I suppose if we’re talking about our moon… it’s name is kind of The Moon.  Like the Sun.  Sorry).  i can’t even Google it because I don’t know exactly what I want to do!  It’s sort of like a pivot chart… only not.  Oh, wait, maybe I have some stuff about that in…

Not much of a post this, is it?  Christ.  I’ll have something good to say soon.  I told my neighbour not to call Down’s Syndrome kids "Mongols" this morning.  But that’s not really a story.  Oh, yeah, unlike my kickin’ Excel tale.

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