This has the potential to become a long post, so apologies in advance. Quite important, though, from a long-term point of view, so bear with me, will you?
Whoo, there’ve been a few false starts on this post, let me tell you. Okay, so Flapjack’s big surprise present was a night in a very lovely boutique hotel in The City- I practically guarantee you haven’t heard of it. There was champagne, there were chocolates, there were rose petals strewn on the bed and around the sink, there was a night-light lit…
But I needed to get her there. We went to the Museum of London, which is really quite interesting because we’re both big fans of London (somehow my love of the city is tied in with my love of her). The cafe, however, was a disappointment so we went to the Pizza Express over the road (literally suspended in a bridge) which was fairly deserted and we had a nice meal and talked for ages about stuff, which you don’t do at home so much. I took her in, watched and listened and drew in as much of her as I could manage, knowing what I was to do that evening.
Then we moved on, I took her on the Central Line to Bank. Bank? Why? There’s literally nothing there at the weekend. Or, you know, is there? Turns out there is. Roadworks! They were pouring asphalt all over the place, and we needed to get past. Actually we didn’t. My pulse quickening, I took my chance. “Let’s go round here, then,” I said and took her arm and moved her to the right, into the building we were passing. Kaboom, said the building, here’s my magnificent interior! It’s unexpected. I told Flapjack to take a seat while I checked in.
The room was a suite, beautiful and quirkily shaped. We sat, drank champagne, ate chocolates, I took a bath, we relaxed, chilled out and generally enjoyed each other’s company.
I kissed her, her hair I remember being wet her eyes shining so very blue at me I told her I loved her, she said she loved me too. My swollen heart now bolting for my mouth, my whole world straining to a point, I knew I had to ask “Then..” the pause was a millisecond, but everything stopped for it “will you marry me?”