We have a map

We have a map

There’s a map up at work, showing the Health Authority boundaries in, oh, 1982.  Pre some reform or other.  For some reason our case management system works in these archaic boundaries (there’s even a Wessex!).  The trouble is, it’s a bit… odd.

For example, Hampstead and Bloomsbury are classed as North East Thames.  North East!  Mental.  This can of worms was opened this morning.  I then foolishly blundered in and mentioned about Sheffield, Rotherham, Barnsley and Doncaster, all of which were classed as Trent.  Not Yorkshire.  Trent.  I say foolishly, because guess who has to go through and find all the cases which are geographically correct but, well, wrong?  Yup.  That’ll be me.

Weirdly, though, some of the Yorkshire/Trent ones are even more wrong.  Rotherham – in Mersey..?

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