You wouldn’t believe just how badly I screwed up presents for Her birthday. Not only did i screw up my own, but by conspiring with her family I managed to make sure She received exactly squat from Her boyfriend, sister and parents. Way to go, Moth! Woo! Go me!
Honestly, I’ve never seen the game over screen as much… Metroid Prime is beating me like a red-headed stepchild. But I’ll make it pay. I’ll make them all pay.
I just wish I knew which parent to blame for these lousy migraine-ridden genes.
Hell is full. Can I use your bathroom?
I’m not amazed, particularly, by the howling stitch-up going on at Tory central office. I’m perhaps slightly suprised by the transparency of it all, but that’s about it. As a dyed-in-the-wool leftie I am also allowing myself a small portion of glee at the disarray the Conservative party has got itself into. I know NewLab need credible opposition, I know that, but goddamn, it’s just too sweet sometimes. Liberals for second party status! Do it, England!
Hey, that last one posted! Cool! In a fit of irony, the signal kept cutting out. Hahaha.
I’m on my way to the quiz tonight, and am expecting great things – frankly, we’ve had some shitty luck lately, but toniht the director is going to be Spielberg, or Danny Boyle or someone I know something about. Dammit.
So there’s this big magnetic storm heading in from the Sun and … Sun is capitalized, yes? … and it’s fucking with my GPRS. Damn you, Sun! Do something useful for once!
Oh, goodie! Fireworks! Really, really loud fireworks about thirty yards away. I do hope one backfires and smites them like the wrath of Jesus.
Well, it’s turned the corner into the street marked ‘damn cold!’ and I wish I had a coat on right now. A loose-knit wool jumper just isn’t cutting it for me right now. I’m clutching my pret latte like a hot water bottle. Except I’m not. I’m holding my phone. Gonna stop now.
I just saw the remake of the ferero rocher ambassador advert. I mean, why? We didn’t really like it, ad people! It wasn’t the story we were transfixed by, it was the fucking shameful awfulness of it all! You can’t make a posh version and expect us to greet it like an old friend! It was shit! That was its joy, it’s saving grace! It’s now just… blah. Not needed.