what are your greatest strengths?

X-ray vision and telekinesis!

Ho ho, a ribald answer for any job interview. But not one which gets you a job. Happily, I didn’t give this answer (because I did not get asked the question). I gave lots of answers which a certain girlfriend had been coaching me on over the weekend and – I did tell you I was going for an interview, didn’t I? For my old job? No? Okay, well, I did. I was. I did. Yes, I had the interview yesterday.

For once, I pretty much aced it. I start on the 20th. I think you’ll agree, that’s something of a result. It’s like my old job, only for a proper salary. And known holiday allowances. And paid Bank Holidays. And sick pay. And a pension. And flexitime. And security. And it is permanent.


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