talking to boys

talking to boys

Its amazing.  All my life I have disliked sport because, well, its boring and I dont really care.  But thanks to maternity leave, I have a wife who has watched the cricket this summer with avid interest, and since its always on, I have been watching.

Its a revelation.  Walk up to a group of men and start a conversation with something like I cant believe Flintoff was out for seven!  Seven!  Still, he really shouldnt have been playing. Or Boparas finally been dropped from the squad which is good, because he couldnt handle it, but you have to feel for him, really.  Or anything like that and you can just breeze on from there through an entire conversation.  Amazing, properly amazing.  Its like we have something in common.  These same men who wouldnt *ever* chat about Big Brother or Americas Next Top Model. Its like that episode of The IT Crowd Did you see that ridiculous display last night? once you know the manly conversation shibboleth youre instantly someone else.  Youre a man with opinions which can be listened to, and thought about, and commented upon.  Not just someone babbling about telly.

WHAT THE FUCK, world?  Why did I spend the last three decades ignoring sport?  I couldve been doing this for years.

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