New start

Welcome to the blog; it’s like it used to be, only different.  I’m still working on it, so updates will be sporadic until I, for example, work out how to post via email.  Bear with me.  I do intend to update LOADS, update like crazy.

Maybe not that crazy.  But there should be my two Twitter feeds coming at you and maybe Flickr if I can get it going.  Should be fun.  We’ll see.

2 thoughts on “New start”

  1. I do have a baby! Almost a year old!

    Hello, Liz, you’re right it’s been a long time since those days on #afp. We’re all older, wiser and using things with stupider names now (Twitter, I’m looking at you), but I guess we’re basically the same.

    Does Gizmo look like the mogwai, or a small, useful piece of machinery?

  2. You have a baby! It’s been a looooong time Mister Moth 🙂 How you doing? Adam is now ten, can you believe it. We’re living in Edinburgh with my chap Martin. I have a dog called Gizmo. Erm.. I taught myself to knit and crochet and I teach when I’m well enough. Yes. Thrilling life!

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