wikipedia teaches you stuff

In the article on Freddie Mercury, one finds this –

“Although Mercury may have passed in the real world, he appears as a recurring character in the Japanese anime series Sakigake!! Cromartie High!. Wearing only long brown pants with red suspenders he is known to the main characters only as “Freddie”. He does not speak despite moments of him singing (although his voice is not audible) and is sometimes seen riding around on a giant black horse. Some people wonder if he understands Japanese. He also is normally introduced by a harmonious guitar riff.”

How does that not rock? Answer – in no way does it not rock. Oh, I’m actually confused by my own grammar now.

Go vote! I have disenfranchised myself, but that just means you have to vote twice! Give them one from me, not that I know what that means in context. Whatever. So it’s been a dull campaign (apart from the hilarious Tory posters), that’s no reason to abstain. Look, seriously, I need my vicarious democracy..!


St Paul’s is really big. It’s massive! I feel you should know this. One day I’m gonna tourist it up and head down there with a camera. It’s also shockingly ugly. People don’t like to hear that, but it’s true. Distinctive, but, my, it’s a biffer.

I’m not sure there’s anything to add to that. What can you say? More on big, ugly buildings some other time, folks! Or maybe on big, attractive buildings! Who’s to say? For example, a window fell out of the Swiss Re building yesterday. A frickin’ window! That’s a whole load of glass. I hope it’s not unstable. I love the Swiss Re building. It’s big, too, but it’s not ugly. Not to me, anyway.

Another day, another link

I’m not feeling very inspired.


Still, this is fun. Fools! Takes a wee while to load, so go and do something else. Don’t ruin the fun by watching it frame-by-frame.

We mustn’t laugh at ourselves.

This I find depressing. Look at that place! No-one cares. They’ve wasted money they should have put into proper advertising. Proof if proof were needed that the UK cannot – perhaps, should not – dabble in the home console arena. Designed by the guy who designed the Sinclair Spectrum, from when we were on the bleeding edge of home computer technology. Now the world has moved on and the UK has, apparently, failed to do so. Or, you know, we only have two guys – one called Clive – working on our technological frontline.

Oh, okay. Let’s laugh at the Gizmondo. I too tried to be charitable, but it looks like ass (It does! I don’t care that people are being kind, it looks like ass!), it has a stupid fucking name, it has a poor selection of games (usually with rubbish names) and no backup, it’s out of its element. It’s like a child who wanders into the middle of a movie… Look, it’s a nice idea and I wish them well. But I don’t expect them to be around in a year or two. Then again, we all laughed at the N-Gage…

I would link to the Gizmondo site. But right now it appears to be offline…

Endless nameless

Man, I just realised that I want to be Pope. You get to choose your own name! I’d be Pope Nemesis, or maybe Pope “Legs” McGraw. Actually, that’d be Pope “Legs” McGraw II, as I think there was a “Legs” McGraw in the 17th century.

Imagine a Goth Pope, though! The Vatican would be forced to announce the appointment of Pope Nightwing, or Pope Shad0wLord. Still, Papal edicts would be easier to issue, they’d just go straight through to Livejournal.

Stock Footage

So this morning (well, afternoon.. it was a late night), we thought we’d make soup. Flppy had a recipe from this month’s Good Food magazine that sounded nice. It was a Polish recipe for chicken soup with matza dumplings and had all the hallmarks of being quite tasty. Simple, but tasty. Since we were already cooking something else with it later, we hacked off the legs and wings of a chicken – not easy first time, so this was quite a bit of effort – and put them in with an onion and a carrot to make the stock. Actually, the stock is the soup, which should have rung an alarm bell. Maybe. I don’t know. Anyway we dilligently waited for, like, two hours, making matza dumplings along the way, before straining the soup out and having a taste. It was a beautiful rich brown from the onion skin and smelt lovely.

It tasted like water. Okay, maybe a hint of carrot. But carrot water is not lunch. Especially at 3pm. I put some salt and pepper in, but that made it taste like salty carrot water.

Thankfully we had a chicken breast in the oven and had sandwiches, but still. Bloody Poland.

I’m watching a shaft of light catching dust on Liverpool Street. It’s amazing. There’s so much of it! How do we breathe? In this light breeze it’s blowing and streaking, it looks like someone has rubbed the sun with wire wool. If I had a camera I’d show you..

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