Is it safe?

Well, I think it’s done now. This marks the Sanctuary’s upgrade to php. I don’t exactly know what that means, and I think I’m just repeating the same mistakes I made in html but with .php as a file extension. However, it all seems to work okay and if that means I did it right, well, go me.

Many thanks, once again to Mike for the help. If you haven’t visited his site, do. It’s very good, and he’s my host. He’s an excellent host, one of the best. He serves drinks in the ftp lounge, it’s great. I had a vol-au-vent in there once. Didn’t like it much, but that wasn’t his fault. Once again. Mike.

The first drops of rain

I think the drought may be coming to an end. Last night I worked out with not a great deal of effort a structure for TCoM which would a)make sense and b)come in at roughly 90mins. Go me!

Okay, I wasn’t actually supposed to be working on it, but what the hell? The heart wants what it wants..

Dagnammit, the guy on the platform is reading MY copy of TIUIOAMF Edge! No wonder I couldn’t find the one copy the newsie near the station always has, what with greedy sneak-thiefs snaffling it like that!

Great, I’m going to be hot, sticky and uncomfortable before I even get to work. And I’ll be standing on the bus. And some morons have joined the wrong end o the queue. Now they’re on ahead of me. I hate people sometimes.

Damn fool ideas

Sometimes I wonder if I’m wasting my time on ideas and plots and characters and schemes that are doomed. Then I rationalise that I’m not one for creative waste, that I’ll recylcle, reuse, reincorporate…

Of course, I’ve got stuff I never reuse. I just kick it around, trying to form it into some kind of sensible shape. What I’d like to do, mainly, is to pitch it as a concept, then hope someone tells me to write it. Then I might snap out of the aimless doodling and get on with it.

Or, you know, I might not. But I’d like to think I would.

Ronald Reagan – dead at 93. I thought I’d whoop a bit more.. I guess any death is a bit sad for someone. Mind you, 93. You outstayed your welcome in the White House, too…
Now, on to our leader at the time..

edit: stupid phone..user

I’ve been thinking…

Again. Sorry. Anyway, I was thinking about starting a team blog, because I’ve always wanted to but never seen a reason before.

So I was at work, thinking about how I wanted to rant about how much I hate my job – or at least… bits of it. That made me think about my weblog, which could easily accommodate such ranting. However, I also thought “yeah, but what if you had a separate blog, called something like ‘I hate my job’ or ‘It sucks being a temp’ or ‘Hey, you! What’s the limit on this thing?’..? Actually maybe not that last one”.

Then, furthermore I thought, what about if that were a team blog? If anyone I know who hates their job (or aspects of it) could just come along and rant, and so we’d have a little shouty space in the middle of the inter-web? Because sometimes you don’t want to have a goddamn dialogue about your stupid shitty workplace/workmates/workwork, you just want to yell.

So, uh, is it worth it? Since most of the people I know who are online people read this (all four of ya), who’d be in? Seriously.

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