and whose army?

and whose army?

The spiders are back, back, back!  I’m starting to wonder where they come from.  I mean, I evicted one from the ceiling above the shower with the ol’ cup and card before I got in.  Halfway through washing my hair I look up and there’s another one which was, I swear, nowhere to be seen scant moments before.  To my surprise I just sort of shrugged and got on with my shower, but really this is too much.  I had to get rid of four before showering the other day.  They’re taking the piss.

And the ripping sounds every time you open the door!  If we didn’t open it fairly regularly we’d be trapped in – untended, the hallway would be Shelob’s lair.  I’m happy to report, however, that the front of the house is being painted in the next few weeks so their days are numbered.  A hard rain is going to fall, Incey-Wincey.  A hard rain of brushing.

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