
I’m afraid I am Vacuum, the first horseman of the spiderpocalypse.  Much as there is a general desire in the household to not kill them, they need to be shown who’s boss.  Or, at the very least, they have to get out of our faces.  I vacuumed about a dozen out of the front hall (a space about 1×2m) the other day.  There are now 4 or 5 in there, and I just don’t know where they come from.

There is no alternative.  They’ve got to go, and I’m way too afraid of them to go round to each and every one with a cup and a piece of stout card.  I can cope one at a time (just), but en masse… no.  I’m also going to give the outside of the house a good sweeping down with the broom.  They’re not doing this to the other houses!  Do they own the arachno-freehold, or something?

Dodge Dip Duck Dive.. Dodge

I feel it should be noted that Dodgeball rocks.  When it’s out, see it.  Twice.

On a related note, I saw someone barged all over the place at Liverpool Street this morning.  A young couple were walking down just in front of me, and this guy, this wide middle-aged guy in a dusty grey suit,  just bashed into the girl, dragging her several feet back up the platform.  She managed to disentangle herself, and he carried on, muttering something I didn’t hear (but which definitely had the word “fucking” in there somewhere, and the distinct sense that it was somehow her fault.. which it was not).  People were gaping in astonishment, which in London tells you it was something remarkable.


Whales and Cats

It seems that some people just can’t get enough of that great Whale taste, and want to start killing them again. Why are we not hitting them until they stop? Have we failed the whale?  It doesn’t seem right, and I don’t care if we’re sentimentalising them.  They’re big, there aren’t many of them, and we don’t keep breeding stocks.

In other thoughts, what – exactly – did Tigra bring to the Thundercats party?  Seriously, Panthro could turn invisible, Cheetara could run really fast, Lion-O… had a sword.  Well, no, I mean, he had management experience.  The Thunderkittens had flying skateboards, Snarf was comic relief… Tigra?  He had the car.  Basically, far as I can see it, he’s the kid that you hang out with because he’s got the driving licence.  Maybe Tigra bought the rest of the Thundercats beer, too.

It’s another ‘waiting for a movie’ update! Chronicles of Riddick tonight. Willl I be Riddick-uled if I like this as I was given HELL for SINGing the praises of Van Helsing?

time… is on my side

I’m now re-playing Prince of Persia, and I’m maybe loving the experience a little more this time through. Once you have the confidence and knowledge, it doesn’t frustrate as much. I can sit back and experiment with movement – half of the joy in PoP is the way the Prince moves about, the simple ease with which you can throw that little fella round those vast levels and watch him dance his way along walls, twirl his sword and edge his way along beams.

And then there’s the fighting. The fighting made me want to die, first time through, because it seems like a chore, a slog through waves and waves of enemies. But when you have the skill of it and the attitude of “I know how it goes, what the hell?”, then the experimentation comes into it. Vault over an enemy and retrieve their sand while they reel from your attack? Whee! Done! Parry, thrust, retrieve? Tricky, but it can be done, and when pulled off, it’s immensely satisfying.

Even rewinding – something I never used to do during a fight, it just never occurred to me – adds a dimension. When you know a blow is coming, how much more rewarding to get a second shot at it and block it, or leap gracefully out of the path of the blade and slash at your opponent while the momentum of their missed attack unbalances them…

All this, and a sequel in the works.


Hmm. And then they got rid of the smileys and all the posts since they arrived disappeared. It was like Tuesday didn’t happen on FU. Weird-o-la.

In other news, the Constantine trailer feels like PAIN and The Ladykillers is the worst. Coens. Ever.

Smiley happy people

Hmm. Film Unlimited went down this morning (last night?) and has come back with.. well, with smileys, dammit. This seems to have caused massive slowdown and smileys.

I just want it on record that I don’t like smileys. I use them every so often in email or texts and even more rarely in posts, but as a rule I tend to avoid them.

I wonder what posessed them?

Found in Translation

I sound ace in Italian!

Così ho rinviato, per un breve periodo, a AFP ed allora ho fatto l’errore appena di scattarsi sul primo alberino che sono venuto attraverso nei gruppi del google verificare la mia nuova messa a punto di cliente. ed era Spam. WebMarshall non ha gradito che, così ora il mio accesso (effettivamente, accesso per la costruzione intera) ai gruppi del google È STATO NEGATO.

Scopata della madre !

Ed ora il that’ll mi causa i problemi per il mio proprio luogo, voi guarda…

And back to the English..

Therefore I have sent back, for a short period, to AFP and then I have made the error hardly to release itself on the first starter shaft that have come through in the groups of the google verifying my put new to customer point. and it was Spam. WebMarshall has not appreciate that, therefore hour my access (effectively, approached for the entire construction) the groups of the google HAS BEEN DENIED.

Swept of the mother!

And hour that’ ll me cause the problems for mine just place, you watches…

Which is jam hot.

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