Category Archives: Blether

Waffly stuff, about nothing.


I am still here. Although apparently I have some random crazy Twitter accounts which turn up in the feed over there ->

I will update properly soon, I promise. DON’T LEAVE ME!

God, my post about the start of Big Brother is at the bottom of the page still. That was months ago! Eep.

I have lots to say, actually. THE ZOO! We went to the zoo. My daughter loves lions. Rarr! ZOOOO!

Consider this a holding page. Rarr.

I am not a customer

I am a passenger, I am a patient, I am a guest. I do not need you to have a charter, I just need you to treat me like a fucking human, treat me like you know you’re supposed to. You know it without a charter. Just do it.

Silly to be annoyed by this, really, but there you go. Sometimes you have to let the details get to you, let them under your skin. Wonder – why does this bother me? What is it symptomatic of?


“I used to bathe you in that sink”, in my head I turn this phrase over, and I’m saying it to my teenage daughter.  She looks at me as if to say “I didn’t ask, and I don’t care”, exasperation, anger and confusion in one. This hasn’t happened yet and probably never will.  But I understand the person who says this, now.

You used to be this tiny, helpless thing. You needed us to do everything for you, and it just so happens that we would do anything for you. You were ours, we made you. Everything you were was us. And there you are now, my future daughter, the sum of your years, a product of everything else. Sure, we are in there, strongly, but we are voices among many.

But it wasn’t always like that. Once we were everything to you. I used to bathe you in the sink.

Sorry, sorry

Bloody hell, been a while.

So anyway, I had a cough for the longest time.  Like, May. And I vomited a bit, quite violently.  This gave me a pain in me ribs, like bruising.  Not unusual, so I thought little of it.  But it didn’t go away as it should.  Hmm.  Not cool, but still not something to be hugely worried about.  Bruising!  Okay, it hurt when I coughed.  Or sneezed.  Or laughed.  Or, um, breathed.  Or stood up.  Right, right, maybe I’ll see a doctor.  Perhaps it’s a chest infection.

The doctor listened to my chest for a while (much longer than usual! Concerning?), before declaring that my left lung was filling normally, but there were “reduced breath sounds” in my right lung.  It could be an infection, she said, but it is more likely to be a part of the lung having collapsed in on itself.  Go for an X-Ray tomorrow.


Now, a mild bit of the old pneumothorax is actually not massively troubling.  But still, being told you have a partially collapsed lung is kind of startling to a person, you know?  It may be due to blebs, as well, which is a very amusing word to have in your life (though not so much in your lungs).

So, X-Ray.  Not done this before.  Went to Whipp’s Cross, very convenient for me, and dropped in to the open X-Ray clinic.  Seen relatively quickly, like after about half an hour, but then I got there early.  I was expecting to at least have to take my shirt off but no, just turn the collar up.  So I’m stood there with my chin on the top of the plate, my shoulders hunched forward and my collar up like a pound-shop Cantona.  I feel utterly ridiculous and I actually have to stop myself laughing, fighting back giggles because surely that will mess up the picture?  Who knows.  Done and dusted in seconds, I’m back at work before lunch.

On top of all this, baby is sick again.  Sick sick sick.  Since Saturday night, she’s barely eaten or drunk.  We cracked and phoned NHS Direct last night and as ever I felt like a fucking timewaster.  But she was so horribly sleepy and listless.  Not cool.  In fact very worrying, though she seems to be improving.    She has eaten Oatibix, which may be the most disgusting breakfast cereal yet devised by the hellspawn at Kellogg’s.  And held it down!  She’s not vomited for 24 hours.  This is good.  I look forward to tomorrow, when I get to go back to work.

I also get my X-Ray results.


This is verbatim, apart from the snarky commentary.

From: MrMoth Sent: 14 June 2010 12:44 To: IT Guy Subject: RE: Test Account
You’re going to love this (I know I do).  Access denied!  I don’t have permission to do that.  Which is very sensible, but no help.  It’s just plausible that it isn’t possible to do this remotely on my machine. (Seriously, is there a grown up down there who can help you with this?)
From: IT Guy Sent: 14 June 2010 12:34 To: MrMoth Subject: RE: Test Account
OK, can you try going to start, then run and pasting the following into the run dialog box:
Copy and paste the test 2 2007 desktop icon to your desktop.  In addition to this, you will need to log off and then back on again to apply the correct group membership settings for your test account.

From: MrMoth Sent: 14 June 2010 12:17 To: IT Guy Subject: RE: Test Account

“Outlook blocked access to the following potentially unsafe attachments: Test2 2007 Desktop.lnk.”

 Don’t you just love technology?

From: IT Guy Sent: 14 June 2010 12:15 To: MrMoth Subject: RE: Test Account

OK, let try this. If you copy the attached shortcut to the your desktop that should do the trick.

From: MrMoth Sent: 14 June 2010 12:07 To: IT Guy Subject: RE: Test Account

I very much doubt it, but then I didn’t actually set it up so couldn’t say for 100% certain. But 99% – no, it’s not. (At this point I was tempted to reply “With respect, you are the IT guy.  Your people set this computer up, can’t you just ask someone?”)

From: IT Guy Sent: 14 June 2010 12:00 To: MrMoth Subject: RE: Test Account

Hi  I am still unable to connect to your machine. Is Windows Firewall running on it? Regards

From: MrMoth Sent: 14 June 2010 11:46 To: IT Guy Subject: RE: Test Account

It is and I am – it’s a proper box rather than a terminal, though. Does that make a difference?

From: IT Guy Sent: 14 June 2010 11:44 To: MrMoth Subject: RE: Test Account

Hi again I am unable to connect to the machine name below. Can you confirm that it is correct, and that you are on the network. Regards

From: MrMoth Sent: 14 June 2010 11:38 To: IT Guy Subject: RE: Test Account

Hi, My machine is {blah} and I am frankly amazed at the coincidence which has assigned me the word “password” for my password!

From: IT Guy Sent: 14 June 2010 11:36 To: MrMoth Subject: Test Account

Hi there I have set up your requested account in test. All I need now is your machine name in order for me to add the required shortcuts to your desktop. Your new test account credentials are as follows:

Username: {blah}

Password: password

Hello, New World

More non-blogging. This post is brought to you by the WordPress app for Android. I like the interface so far. Looks like I can add pics an stuff, too, but I won’t. That is what Flickr is for.

Well, Jesus Christ, we’re back in Tory Britain, something which fills me with an unknowable dread. Ok, sure, we have no clue how the Con-Dem-Nation will work out, and having a hobbled Conservative govt is obviously better than having one blue in tooth and claw, running amok etc etc metaphor goes here. I am, therefore, worried but optimistic.

Today I joined the Labour Party. I hope to Christ that I don’t regret that in a few years. But I felt I should. Tribally Labour and all that.

Oh, ok, biggest thing of this is that my daughter, like me, will grow up under a Tory government. At least, initially she will. Nice to have something in common.