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Another year older

Another year older

Big Brother ten ends tonight, another summer of excellent telly over.  This years show has been one of the most interesting for some time, a subtle ebb and flow of win and fail muddying the waters and making it impossible to call a winner until the very last minute.  It has also despite their having been around 18 housemates overall felt small, intimate, with a fixed cast which dwindled down to the final five in a soapy, satisfying narrative unafraid to shamelessly play with the emotions of the viewer (usually, to be fair, anger, hatred, pity and more anger).  Early favourites were exposed as trivial annoyances, those who made a bad first impression have emerged as front runners and for the longest time there seemed to be a distinct possibility that the winner could be a man who looked like a flabby Wolverine and did nothing all day but swear and masturbate, ensconced in a duvet.

For a show fighting for an audience indeed for its very survival on the channel of its birth, a fight it lost before it even aired it has been very low-key and lacked the OTT attention-grabbing antics of earlier series.  If anything, it was closest to perhaps the second series; after the show had found its feet in series one, it was building to the twat-a-rama of the later seasons while still new and shaky enough to feel fresh and innovative, populated with housemates with more idea what to expect than their predecessors but still defining what it is to be a Big Brother contestant.

This time, of course, everyone knew the score.  Some much better than others, of course, but all eyes were open.  So it became a battle of wills between the participants and organisers, a redefinition of the rules of engagement was in process.  The freakshows were being done away with, replaced by almost a new format.  Rules were bent, broken and abandoned.  Nominations discussed openly, with permission, and frequently didnt happen.  Housemates left the house on day trips Written communication with the outside world (in the form of Tweets) occurred.  There was a massed breakout into the camera runs.  The authority of Big Brother was questioned, disputed and ignored.  It was a different show.  A new show.

And next year, its over.  Our loss.

two slash seven

two slash seven

Next Tuesday (the first of September) marks our seventh anniversary, or, to put it another way, our second wedding anniversary.  Also on the 31st of August our beautiful daughter is 3 months old.

Yup, Id say things are going well.  I actually couldnt be happier*.  I can point to two memories which have that golden glow about them in my head from just the two years since the morning of our wedding 1) walking to the reception, laughing and joking with my family and friends and 2) being handed a towel-wrapped, bright red baby who promptly pooed all over the floor.

Matrimony, fatherhood states I can recommend.  If youre unable to be a father, motherhood is no doubt good too.  Im not pressing these choices onto you, of course.  Im not one of those people**.  I dont think everyone should do it just because I think its great.  But if youre considering it, and youre not sure, I can chime in here and say do what feels right.  When theyre the one, youll know.  The one you want to be with, the one you want kids with.

Youll know.  I knew.

*Well I could have Sky plus, I guess.  And a bit of sleep. Ooh, and a pony!

**I am a bit.

talking to boys

talking to boys

Its amazing.  All my life I have disliked sport because, well, its boring and I dont really care.  But thanks to maternity leave, I have a wife who has watched the cricket this summer with avid interest, and since its always on, I have been watching.

Its a revelation.  Walk up to a group of men and start a conversation with something like I cant believe Flintoff was out for seven!  Seven!  Still, he really shouldnt have been playing. Or Boparas finally been dropped from the squad which is good, because he couldnt handle it, but you have to feel for him, really.  Or anything like that and you can just breeze on from there through an entire conversation.  Amazing, properly amazing.  Its like we have something in common.  These same men who wouldnt *ever* chat about Big Brother or Americas Next Top Model. Its like that episode of The IT Crowd Did you see that ridiculous display last night? once you know the manly conversation shibboleth youre instantly someone else.  Youre a man with opinions which can be listened to, and thought about, and commented upon.  Not just someone babbling about telly.

WHAT THE FUCK, world?  Why did I spend the last three decades ignoring sport?  I couldve been doing this for years.

Perhaps posting on a friday afternoon is a mistake

Perhaps posting on a friday afternoon is a mistake

Im a bit tired.  Also I have a horrible sore throat.  I spent my lunchtime whizzing a friends baby daughter around outside a pub.  Shes 11 months old, so I felt a bit more willing and able to turn her upside down and run around with her held aloft.  I look forward to being able to chuck E about with such abandon.  I think shell enjoy it.

She took her first trip on the tube this week, on the Victoria line down to Oxford Circus, and then out to John Lewis.  She was very well behaved, all things considered, and it was a nice day out.  We even ate a cooked meal!  Us!  And I tried on slings, and then bought one.  Soon I shall be able to wander round with a baby attached like its no big deal.  Cool.

In the simplest terms..

In the simplest terms..

John Hughes, 1950-2009.  Man responsible for The Breakfast Club, one of the defining films of my adolescence.  Defining film of millions of adolescences.  And Weird Science.  And Ferris Buellers Day Off.  And Planes, Trains & Automobiles.  And so on.  Man was a genius.

Ive said it elsewhere, but I want to say it here.  If it caught you at the right time, The Breakfast Club spoke to you so clearly, like it was written for you, but it also seemed so universal, like it was written for everyone.  Which gave me the start of some kind of insight no matter how isolated it feels, being a teenager, no matter how much you feel that this has only ever happened to you, it happens to everyone.  And here we all are.  Locked in a vacancy.

Man was a genius.



Oh, man, Bookworm Adventures is back to take over our lives.  Forget having a baby, Bookworm Adventures 2 is the real time-hog. Oooh, can we get a better word than froggiest?  Is it worth using a blue tile on this guy or saving it for the boss?  WHEN WILL THE CHESHIRE CAT ACTIVATE??  Is the baby crying? Just put it in another room, its a boss battle!!!!1!!one!

Thats PopCap for you.  They cant help but make great games.  Bookworm Adventures, Plants vs Zombies (though Im finding that quite hard), Peggle, Peggle, Peggle Peggle Peggle Peggle, Chuzzle, Bejeweled, Peggle, Talismania  I dont begrudge them a penny Ive spent on their games.  They are charming, addictive, clever and rewarding.

By the way, I am **JOKING** about the neglect.  We pay a great deal of attention to little baby E.

energy, and the lack thereof

energy, and the lack thereof

You dont know tired until you have a baby.  I did not believe this, but oh boy I do now.  I have literally never been this tired in my life.  I fall asleep anywhere.  Ive fallen asleep in such weird positions that I have now experienced pins and needles in my head.  My head!  That shouldnt happen.  I am wondering now if I have a concussion or something.  Something has to account for my typing today!

She is lovely, though.  I probably say this about a hundred times a day.  Even when shes keeping me awake for hours, shes still beautiful and wonderful and all those other things.  It astonishes me just how much I love this person who Ive only known 8 weeks.  Less than two months!  And I would kill every single one of you for her.  Well, I mean, not if she just commanded me to like some sort of louche Bond villain, but maybe if you were going for her with a pitchfork.

I apologise, no-one should get death threats just for reading a blog.  But you started it, with your pitchforks and flaming torches and oh, wait that was the opening sequence of Van Helsing.

Oooh, shiny

Oooh, shiny

Office 2007 has been installed on my work machine.  Its grate, although Im still attempting to work out whats where and if I can do certain things (some things no, FROWNY FACE).  But still.  Outlook 2007 kicks ass, and Excel?  Peachy stuff.

This is what my life has come to.



I meant to say on Friday night – they didn’t fuck Torchwood up.  I felt very much like someone had kicked a hole in my chest by the end of it.  In a good way.  I had my baby daughter clutched in my arms for most of it, thinking "You wouldn’t fucking dare touch her you alien paedogrant junkie fucks!".  Yes, it was a direct rip-off of Quatermass and there are plot-holes you could drive a JCB carrying a room-sized block of concrete through but sod it.  I bloody loved it, pretty much every second of it.  Go Torchwood, and I hope the writers have some idea where to go with season four, ’cause that’s a hell of a corner to write out of.  Also, pls to not be killing any more of the core cast, ok, thx.

Oh, and I was thinking this morning – anyone with editing software *needs* to put together a clip with the 5,6,7,8’s "Woo hoo" coming out of the speakers during the talks with Frobisher.  It would be funny!  Honest!  I can see it in my head.

In other news – who knew a draw could be exciting?  But there you go, first Test of the Ashes and it ended with our two worst batsmen clinging heroically to the stumps by their fingernails.  And they managed it!  Panesar even hit a boundary, the cocky bugger.  Well done for not losing, chaps, but England’s top batsmen need to have words with themselves.

Yeah, I’m talking about cricket.

Sorry about this

Sorry about this

Why does no-one respect the difference between cappuccino and latte these days?  Did they ever?  You ask for a cappuccino in pretty much any chain coffee shop and you’ll get a slightly fluffy latte.  Which is, you know, pointless. Why have the two items on the board?

Anyway, phwoo, eh, Torchwood?  Bit good, innit?  Actual event telly, for once.  I mean, the BBC3 series I loved despite its shitness.  It seemed very game and eager to please so I went with it (re-watching recently, though, I was struck by how much better it was than I remembered it).  Then the second, BBC2, series was properly good, no allowances needed (although the Big Bad was howlingly poor, the moving Owen/Tosh finale made up for it and washed the bad taste away).  But this!  This has stepped up to the challenge of clearing an hour of primetime BBC1 on five consecutive nights with confidence and style.  I am loving, loving, loving it.

Slight worry – RTD is shite at endings.  It could all go very very wrong tonight.

Fingers crossed.